lets save this spot for ____________________
daa daa daaa the one & only TAE YANG!
dear reader? .. would you mind to describe him in one word? - - - cant do it? why? lemme guess.. cos he deserves more than that? cos hes unbelieveable, hot, cute, sexy, rawr, beautyy, nice, & irreplaceable? &+ his voice and style is uh-maazing& unique? and youre melting like an icecream if you only hear his name? yeeh i know and im feeling wiff you my dear<3. (: how it comes that amy likes ow i mean loves/adores taeyang? well it was in 2OO9 back then in summer when i was in ATL x] yaah sorry im annoying wiff USA x]. uhm, my couszine called honey was always since she was 15 [now shes 19] addicted to animes, mangas & everything what had to do with azn stuff. SO yeh i also liked azn stuff..but more mangas..but i wasnt that interested...it was a normal thang for me..like a hobby. mh SO one dayy she showed me some azn musikk i guess the first one i saw was 2ne1 - fire.. my first impression of them was like : *___* wow theyre nice tho..& i totally fell in love wiff their style..it catched my eyes..& then she showed me the boygroup bigbang..the song called - GO! & B000000M! guess what? it HAPPENED! :o amy's heart fell in love with TAEYANG, sounds pretty much sarcasim cos i cant fell in love wiff someone i dont know but, who doesnt fell in love wiff someone whos fame huh? yupp right! its N0RMAL =]]. SO yeh i just saw his face& his voice& his style and from that day on...i was listening to every songs of him *___________________* <33. (Y). meeeen this dude got it, duuuh! :* hes NOT normal...& hes not to compare with CB sorry buts simply the truth...just cos CB is international fame..& everyone knows him, doesnt mean he would be good..i dont listen to CB's songs anymore.. once he was a great guy..but now hes nothing more than a fucking bootlicker...his songs are lame...i just like the meanings...& his voice sucks ;D sorry for being that honest about CB! but its the truth. baaaaack to TAEYANG - i love & i guess some ladies out there too, his new a song wedding dress..k its sorta older but it will always be a hit! & im thankful for those who are making eng sub's for non koreans like me :] appreciate that, thaaanks ((: but amy will take a korean lesson asap <33. yaaaey . & amy will make a short trip to korea too waay *-* <3. SO thanks again :* -- ow i think its really pity that the GERMAN tv's dont show AZN musikkvids. :( i mean seriously who wants to watch laame GERMAN RAP or SOUL huh? no one *-.- that sucks..i hate VIVA x] & MTV is gonna be the NEXT! whats wrong wiff them...AZN MUSIKK is the best...& if TAEYANG & CO. would be showed on those CHANNELS!! theyd deff. make it to the GERMAN TOP1 !!-- its so frustrating to watch there vids. in the inet..but on the other hand its PERFECT or else we hadnt any place to watch any songs from them <3. (: SO its fine wiff that..i guess we all can live wiff that..but it would be better if the GERMANS would know what MUSIKK really is.. :]
amy is hitting this lines <3.>
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