as you guys may know, i love to write qoutes, poems & songs <3.
ever since i started to write songs, i got inspirated by many different singers, i dont know how to call this, but do you know this feeling when youve to write everything down, whats on your mind atm. on a white paper? YES! exactly this is the feeling, i sometimes have when im thinking way too much about different stuffs. sometimes i cant even stop to write, cos if you got 1 inspiration in your mind, then youve to write it down somehow/somewhere or else youll forgot it. & yes im SO forgetful, that i always needa paper to make some notices. & if im writing, i put all my emotions and passion in it that i dont even hear if a friend is screaming my name. yeeh!
k, SO actually i wanted to share some quotes i wrote with you, cos quotes & poems are 2 totally different things. i prefer quotes cos quotes are just like ''citations'' easy to write down & it doesnt matter if it makes sense or not. - other than poems, cos poems do always need rhymes and verses. well, you may already saw my title picture today called '' LOVE RD. ONE WAY - DO NOT ENTER! '' do you know what it means? mh, in my eyes it sounds like '' if you enter this road, you may will not find out the way back. or if you enter, theres no EXIT - just like a labyrinth - the ONE WAY! so DO NOT ENTER if you dont want the LOVE ROAD ''.(: i sorta like it. okay there are so many peoples outta the world who always fall in love, are together, dating, marrying and and and.. but, do they really know what the REAL DEFINITION OF LOVE is? i guess some did know it & some not. so lemme show you my definition of love maybe you agree with me, & i hope youll like it <3. ♥════════════════════════════════♥
there is no real definition for love. it could be that endless feeling of happiness you get from being around that person, or the butterflies you feel fluttering around inside of you when he smiles. but one thing im sure of, is that we all fall in love sometime in our life, and when we do, then. and only then! - we can give our definition of love. even though, sometimes people say they love you but apparently they dont know the meaning of that either. i love you. such a simple sentence. with thousands of meanings attached to it. it can make you feel different things. it can make you feel wanted, happy, safe. it can mean many different things. sometimes we say it freely and sometimes we say it with our whole emotions and passion in them.
amy. <3>
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