heeey, amyy is SO back [[: feels like ages..but im SO back ill blogg more often. promise it & im SOOO sorry for that, it was just i was sorta busy with school and alotta other stuffs..& just now when i wanted to log in again, i forgot my pw :Z, had to change it again..blaah >.< amy is SO brainless tho. so yeeh, as i can see ive got 2 readers ((: thats SO nice, haha ! im poor i know..& yeh im boring ya wiff my lame bloggs,..but who said you must read them eeh? no one. exactly.. bluub beep ..uhm yeh, back to the topic, --- what was it again? did i even started a topic? naw i didnt..nevermind im sorta weird since 2dayys..everything seems SO heavy, dont know why.. aight. what shoulda tell ya now? didnt blogged since december 22th. but ima tryna to write more, even if im busy wiff school.. btw. soon my exams will start.. geeeez -.- dont want to xD..but ive too .. that means no freetime for amy anymore... buhuuu :Z.. have to meet my girls asap.. or else theyll hate me xD..yeh SO cant wait for tha summer holidayys..SO excited to fly to tha states again...for those who always dont believe me, i was in usa [atl] 2x in year 2OO7 & last year i went there alone ;D was so GREAT! except of the flight..but it was worth it (: & im glad that my granny & whole family lives there..<3. ATL = Atlanta Georgia, is a great town, id say its the 2nd best one of the whole states..first the weather.. :D:D daaang! its SO hooooot, unbelieveable 45 degree..everyday!! & even when it rains [ not that often ] its still HOT! (: haach i just can say : its the AMERICAN DREAM! i swear to god i love & im addicted to it <33. especially the CLOTHES wuuuuwa theyre SO cheaap u got to hit those stores..& you better dont take any clothes wiff youh when ya fly to tha states..cos if youre 1x there..& buy some clothes...believe me : your luggages will be full& ya need a second luggage.. NO KIDDING!! i was there and i just had 1 luggage & i came wiff 2 back to germany {{: <33. yeeeh uhm mh i forgot what i wanted to write..lemme think gaaaah amy is brainless... <33. yupp short : usa is tha best ! not even to TOP (: could be that ill move to usa, will see. need new inspirations. oww, about the pinkbrownies & the collection 369 is still working out..dont worry we will make our longshirt come out asap..were just too busy to focus on it rightnow..& i had a lot problems private& so on.. well well well...
would be nice if youd follow me on twitter.com/mama_africa
svz : http://www.schuelervz.net/Profile/W54OgBZ_cAVM5EFOlJUcxuxzzzCU-mJGy2EyK_nUiEM/tid/102
& acy : amyhoefacejerk
IM OUT <3. xxxxxxx
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