yeeh, the title of my blog is telling everything!
im sorta pissed of v.v cos my whole plans for the weekend get CANCELED by me ''-.- 1st cos of the bad weather, daaawn! its snowing in BREMEN the whole day *-.- its so effin cooold :O + smoothy too ~ & 2nd its SO frustrating, cos today we got our school certification and guess what? its kinda idk, lemme call it '' average '' two A's ~ math ''D'' etc. things could be better, but i was SO distracted lately, that ive forgot &+ untended my whole school, & im still trying to figure out, HOW? :| , i really dont know where my mind went along these months...something really knocked me outta my high levels all the way down ''-.- & im still pissed even when i think of it aaaargh >.< ~ well i decided to have a BIG BREAK from everything, i even accepted to keep a distance with my besties :Z but ive too, ive to find myself again, i need to concentrate my whole body & brain with school :O :S, yeh i blamed myself...but mistakes happen & im just a human, ill learn from my bad choices & ill make it even better.. ;) my break is gonna be from today on 'til 27th february or even 'til the eastervacas. & maybe then ill do everthing to make my plans reborn again :D <3.
SO im really sorry THY & JAE, i really wanted to come. i hope ya ² understand my '' bad excuses'' xD, ill deff. come so dont worry & when im there THY? youll get a big surprise *-* & JAE? youll get your mcd food ;p hope theres nothing else you wanted lmao. xD?! my girls thanks for understanding me, well see us ASAP..1/2 months arent that much, SO 'til then : GOD BLESS YALL &+ TAKE CARE; STAY TUNE & AMY LOOOOVES YEEEEEEEW <33!>
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