& again days are passing by..and im still thinking of you <3.
so did i ever mentioned that friends are the most best damn thing that you could ever have? did you ever asked yourself, ''how can i derserve someone like her/him''? - well, i did and im so so so thankful to have them always around me, even if the greatest ones live so far away...they will always have a big place in my heart - you asking why? cos theyre always there for me since i know them, i can trust them anything i want to and theyll keep it, i can laugh with them 24/7 and they laugh with me, i can hug them whenever i want to cos they feel the same, i can goofy around with them and they do the same & i can call them even if it must be at 3 in the morning, cos theyre always there for me! and thats what i call bestfriends, i can count on them <3. i just love them so so much & thats what ima tryna to write in this blog ill name each one of them who are meaning the world to me so be careful and dont judge them if you dont know who theyre ;D. so ill NOT write them in places like 123, no cos each one of them deserve the first place haha alright (:
pinar : my crazyfrog <3 :] we know each other since aug. 2OO8 and i still remember like it was yesterday...our first meeting in the school hall..remember when i thought youd be cocky & bitchy? geez i guessed so wrong..but i really thought turkey girls are like that...so sorry my boo <3. well when you asked me ''are we in the same class'' i answered ''yes'' - didnt know that our conversation would go on..so i run off xD..& what did you do? you even followed me & im glad for that haha..SO yeah boo (: youre my other half, always fun with you..we both are the classclownes...even if some ppls wont believe that id open my mouth cos i dont look like an openup person, but secretly i am :] thanks to youuu <3. i love youuu my girl <3. youre simply the best what happenend to me... AMINAR forever <3. ~
sarii : my classicshortie <3. ((: - well how long do i know you? its uncountable dont you agree..i just remember that we used to know each other very looong but just with our eyes xD..we went to the same school & just saw each other in the school breaks..and ''hi'' was the only thing we used to say..so many months or even years passed by..& all of a sudden we had the same hobby..naimly reading mangas <3. *-* so we shared our hobbies :] & became good friends til today & im really thankful for that <3. youre such a wise & smart person, i love the way youre are. simply yourself..most people always fake themselves and thats really pity but cant change it. i just wanna let you know, that youre so damn important for me, youre irreplaceable & a carefriend ill never lose! being with you is like living in a different world..you & i & even beatrice have always so much fun every weekend is just our (: THANK YOU for being my friend SARII <3. lylylyly <33.
beatrice : my ms. high heels addicted giiiiirl <3. youre someone that i can always count on, no matter if im mad at you or NOT youre always there..i still cant believe that i just know you 1year it feels like id know you since day 1 <3. you always got an highlight with you, theres no day i could ever feel down or lonely with you. you brighten up my whole life (: im so thankful that i have you :], you always make me smile& laugh..even in my baddest emotions you always got a pokerface in your arms to erase it outta my face <3. im still asking myself what would i be without you? i guess nothing! again im so glaaad to know you beatrice <3. no matter what, im always there for you too <3. ilove you bestie! you,sarii& i the pinkbrowniez since 1year <3. how amazing is that? :D. theyll last forever, i pinky promise <3. (:
thy : my soulmatesis *-* <3. youre incredible (: youre my one and only i could call angel from the heaven <3. :], im still thankful for the good fate that was with me, back then when i ''added'' you in svz <3. geeez i remember our first wall to wall conversation, 1st it started short..& then they become even looonger <3. we had so much to tell each other, even tho we just knowed us from the inet, it seemed like we know each other for so looooong *-*, youre so amazing & pretty <3. you always helped me out if i had a bad mood, you always gave me the feeling that im never alone <3. you teached me how to live life to the fullest, and i do :] i cant wait to hug you ina few dayys <3. & then will rock the dtown streets. ((: ouw & dont forget were the partiechicas <3. i lalalovee you waay too much sugaaarboo <3.
thi-my : my wifeeey <3. woow, my girl YOU MAKE ME SPEECHLESS *-* <3. i just can repeat myself over & over again [[: cos youre the best that happened to me :), I LOVE YOU; thi-myyyy *-* such a cute & wonderful girl <3. ME & U always texting in private messages, you always helped me out in my saddest & highest moods (: you always cared so much for me :]] so do I. you just remember me like youd be my younger best sister <3. i can trust you whenever i want to *-* youre simply uh-mazing & if you read this please remember always : just call my name & ill be there <3. ill be always there for you, no matter what, in good & bad times, im there (: i lalalove you thi-my <3.
aya : ms. EXPLOSION <3. gooosh *____* girrrrl youre my favorite haha, i love you so much bestie <3. :D youre incredible uh-maaazing & such a cute &+ beautyy young giiirl <3. i really love you alooot (: you even make me feel complete :], you always helped me when i had my up&downs emotions, you always had a topic to make me smile & laugh again *-* & im so so thankful for that :D <3. i nearly could call you : MY THERAPEUT ;p jokeee haha, MY GORGEOUS HELPER, youre just like the carebears *-* such a lovely thing, thanks for everything, even when you live in NBG, who said we cant be friends? im glad to know you, youre undescribable, my rawr perfection, i really adore you, and you know that *-*! i hope to see you asap dont forget amy is there for you too <3. i lalalalalove youu!
jae : my ahjussi <3. where should i start now? well you& me, me& you that could be a loooong entry xD SO, youre really important to me, even if you dont believe me. but, the first time when we wrote, i remember like it was yesterday was pretty cool & funny ;D we really understand each other after 3Omins or 1hour [: & thats what a best connections makes out! you used to make me laugh every minute no matter how down or hyper i was, you always had a POKERFACE & made me laugh again (: & im so thankful for that jae <3. you really got a big heart and you totally got my respect for being the person who you are, i really never met a guy like you, i always asked myself.. ''how can it be possible that someone like him, could understand what im talking about'' xD, im so straaange & you really got on my level. but then, you were gone for some months and i really thought you wont come back or even talk to me anymore, so i became lonely..cos in you i found my first best male friend <3. cos amy doesnt trust any guy her private or bored stuff too. but you were totally the opposite, youre a nice, smart & cute boy, i couldnt help but talk to you (: so i did :] & wow, my first impression was like omg, ''hes talking to me'' - like '' am i dreaming '' xD. i know weird, but amy things always so negative, just senseless. well, after some months you came back, and you even didnt forgot me, and that made me glad again <3. thanks for being there for me jae :] & i hope & wish you'll always be, cos youre the best i ever had for some reasons you know?! <3 haa, that reminds me on drakes song '' best i ever had'' you the fucking best höhö ;).I like you a lot, youre irreplaceable to me <3!!! & I lalalove you really much in a friendship way, so don't forget : NOTHING will CHANGE that :*
Ha : my pupsface <3 [: - remember our first conversation at ''asiancy''? your first question was '' do youve a brother named ****** ''? and i said '' yes i do ''..& blaaa :D, actually i saw you at the ''azn party in bremen'' i was like '' omg that girl must be really cocky '' but i guessed wrong again. so we talked& talked at ''acy'' and you even told me that your boyfriend is the best buddie from my older brother :), so that made our conversation even better and longer, somehow. & then you even moved from rostock to bremen to work in our town & to be near your bf :D, well then we had our first meeting, & what did we do? we went SHOPPING, generally for GIRLS (: it was pretty much fun with you (: ~ so we didnt even met just 1 time, no we even met 2 times more, & what shall i say about you? youre a BEAUTIFUL&+ STUNNING young GIRL i really adore you a lot <3. every time we used to talk about BOYS, funny how different our opinions are about them x] thats why we never get the chance to take pictures cos we taaalk way too muuuuch xD but honestly : you really are a wise, helpful &+ caring person *-*, i really didnt know where i should go with my problems, if i hadnt you. you tried to help me out & showed me the right ways! pity that im SO stubborn & realize the good things at the end of the day :|, but thats SO me. nevermind back to you ;D, youre simply fabulous to me (: i lalala love youuuu girrrrl <3. hope it will last forever xD, better always. <3.
heinrich : youre my JERK x] haha! to me, youre a true black gangsta xD, naw JOKE! you know what i mean right? well, we know each other from ''asiancy'' and we really became good friends dont cha think? we even met us for 1 time & guess what? that was FUNNY with you xD, i really laughed my ass out when i was around you (: you even put my ''EMO'' typ ( thats what you call me) aside & make me look like a NERD with ya xD..and thats what i like the most about you <3. youre really my one & only sensei haha :D, i hope our friendship will grow and i hope youll always stay around, no matter how brainless & weird i am ((: thank you so so much andreeeej :P i can count on you whenever i want to & amy likes you my little teddybear *-* <3. :D. ow no better ya short dick man hahaha, i lalalalike youuu shaawty <3.
written by : amy [ babycakes ]
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