Pink -> Browniez
Hey ya'll we, the ''Pink Browniez'' are 3 Girls named ; Sarii[18],Bea[2O],& Amy [2O]. So yeah we just come up with this name as we meet us in Sarii's House, cos we always bake ''browniez&pink cupcakes'' so I ( Amy ) decided to call us 3 the PinkBrowniez and from that day on our life is starting with "designing"...the question is what are we designing?! We are designing CLOTHES but not only clothes, its of course clothes in pink&brown colors just like our groupname ;D. Yaey awesome idea isnt it x). Well just now we designed a longshirt and its pink with brown lines in it etc. and on the back of the shirt stands a number [369]. The number stands for a sepcial reason, 3 is for four girls, 6 is for six eyes & 9 for the housenumber of our bestie called Sarii cos we always met at hers so thats why we decided to take the number 9! COOL isnt it ;D?! it is, i know haha x). & yeah we want to make our dreams come true, we want to make peoples happy with our collection. We all know that life isnt that easy! But we're all little dreamers, and if we fight for what we want to become, i guess then we'll get it ;D. Ow I forgot to tell you Guys, we all 3 live in Germany but we decided to create our CLOTHES international, we want to become very popular and thats gonna be a loooong trip till we get to the TOP! but we wont give up easiely so be ready for a new generation, thats gonna move your feet ;D. I hope you'll love + like and respect our passion for designing CLOTHES freaky and normal ones! The Brand for our CLOTHES is of course PB for PinkBrowniez and its definetly for everyone cos age is just a number ((: <3. style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">Peacz Out xoxo
The Pink->Browniez
chapter 1 -

alright, my name is amy. iam a new blogger. and yes i decided to blog in english (: ya know english is my fav. language and i cant live without it. it's a part of me :] so yeah ill post from today on in english, maybe some german posts but i guess it will be more english. hope youll enjoy my bored blogpage.. xD have fun anyways. well im 2O years old and yeeeees, like im always yelling about: im oooold ><. still cant believe that time is running that fast, soon itll be 3O o: geez,. i mean seriously dont cha think the same as me? sometimes i look myself at the mirror and talk crap like '' omgee o: thats not me'' or '' geez why am i 2O'' and sorta stuffs like that! but on the other hand i always meet new people and they always guess me in the age of 16, it's nice and blaa but sometimes i really want to scream out loud ''helllooo!! im really 2O get a life if you dont believe me, cant change the fact that ive a babyface.'' think same? well if yes? then youre damn right at this blog.. cos i guess ill always write something about my life, thats why i called it ''story-book'' cos life is full of chapters and yes with good & bad ones..but arent well all excited to see how the end chapter turns out to be? (: honestly? i cant wait to see what the future will bring,.. oww btw. im a little dreamer, you can call me a frigg xD. i swear to god, sometimes im really kinda weird. x) i dont know why, but it is how it is x) , so yeah ill upload one picture of me so you can have a little inside of me, im still saying i look ugly a bit beauty. not perfect but always a heart filled with love,. ill stop now or else ill write till tomorrow..hope ill get some nice followers, and comments. stay tune and if you got any quest. just ask me i wont bite, much looooove & have a nice day,. amy ((:
citation of the day : you may say im a dreamer, but im not the only one,.- john lennon.
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